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​Full time rate
Infants $ 349
One Yr $ 339
2 Yrs. $ 329
3 Yrs. $ 299 ​
4/5 Yrs. $ 289
Part-time rates
(based per day, all day 6am-6pm)
Infants $80
One Year $76
2 Years $73
3 Years $70
4/5 Years $70
***Quarryville Elementary District***
School Age
Before School $15
After School $20
Both $35
​We also offer Multiple Children discount. See Director for details.
Must call 717-786-8788
Half Day Kindergarten
* Child must be enrolled at Quarryville Elementary
Afternoon Kindergarten Program ONLY.
* Parents must request "afternoon Kindergarten" with school district office directly.
* Children will arrive at Academy in morning (anytime after 6am) to participate in Academy 1/2 day, morning program, eat lunch then leave on bus to arrive (approx 12:40pm) at Quarryville Elementary.
Call for more details!
$249 per week
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