Frequently Asked Questions
Closure Calendar
2024- Jan 1, Jan 15, Feb 19, Mar 29, May 27, July 4, July 5, Aug 30, Sept 2, Oct 14, Nov 11, Nov 28, Nov 29, Dec 25, Dec 26
2025- Jan 1, Jan 20, Feb 17, April 18, May 26, July 3, July 4, Aug 29, Sept 1, Oct 13, Nov 27, Nov 28, Dec 25, Dec 26, Dec 31.
Is payment required every week if child is on vacation, sick or weather events?
​We DO require your weekly contract payment be made whether your child is present or not.
No exceptions. This also includes if Academy is closed due to weather events. We do NOT follow school closures/delays (8:00am) We make our own independent decisions on weather events and try to remain open as much as possible in those circumstances.
Nap time required?
There is a designated time for naps from 12:30-2:30 everyday. If your child falls asleep, GREAT!
If your child does not, that's ok too but they will be asked to remain quiet on their cots and look at books.
Outside time?
Weather permitting, we will always try to make sure your child is able to enjoy outdoor time. We try at minimum twice per day. Our Academy is located on approximately 2 acres offering blacktop and grassy play areas. We also barricade the parking lot to offer bike riding and blacktop activities such as basketball or drawing with chalk.
Food Prep?
​We DO NOT provide lunches or snacks. We ask all Preschool & Pre-K classes pack a lunch bag with foods which do not need to be heated. Other classes, we will allow heated lunches (max 30 seconds)
Children also have time to eat breakfast in the morning. ​We are a peanut free enviroment.
Identification Process?
​We require persons who are able to drop off or pick up your child to have photos on file with us prior to these occasions. We DO NOT accept phone calls or emails. Staff persons are responsible for the door check in process. Anyone violating this procedure will be asked to leave and police will be called. We take no chances regarding the children's safety.
Sick Policy?
​Staff makes judgement in sick children cases. We understand it is important for parents to remain at work. General Policy states child must be fever free for 24 hrs to return to Academy. If child has two diarrhea episodes within 2 hrs, child will be sent home. Any child must be diarrhea, vomit or fever free for 24 hrs in order to return to Academy. Additional details in handbook.
​We DO NOT, under any circumstance, administer medication over the counter or by prescription.
Diapering Policy?
We check diapers hourly. Staff will always continue to check in between "clocked" changes for wet or dirty diapers and change as needed.
Registration Fee?
Yes, $50 One time Registration fee. Summer Camp will be a $50 supply fee​.
Tax forms?
End of the year tax forms are available upon request. Please email Director
Testimonials from our Families
"...my son loves going to Daycare. He is learning to progress and achieve milestones with the
help of Barnsley. I am happy with the choice I made in daycare. Barnsley exceeded my
expectations..." - Parent of 1 yr old.
" ...Our experience at Barnsley has been great. I feel that the teachers and staff do a wonderful job caring for our children. I wish I would have brought him sooner." - Parent of 3 yr. old
"...I'm amazed with (my son's) progress. He is constantly surprising me with information he has learned in class." -Parent of 4 yr. old
"...My son absolutely loves school. He is bummed when he doesn't have school. He has improved
immensely this year. We couldn't ask for a better teacher. Barnsley is an amazing place. I would highly recommend Barnsley to anyone..." - Parent of 4 yr. old
"...Barnsley is a great place. My son is excited to go learn new things, make friends and to interact with his friends." -Parent of 4 yr. old
"...you have done a great job in keeping us informed on my daughter's progress each week. Thank you for your help and patience. Overall, everyone at Barnsley has helped us transition into the daycare routine..." -Parent of 2 yr. old
"...Great! I always appreciate you offering a helping hand at drop off and pick up. Keep doing what you are doing." -Parent of 1 yr. old
"...my daughter is learning so much through you all. I love the way you seem to adapt
to her quiet self and let her explore, learn and play on her own and
interact with her peers." -Parent of 3yr .old
"...Barnsley Academy is a great daycare. My daughter loves her little friends and
her teachers." -Parent of 10 month old.
"...very first day it was evident to us the staff members at Barnsley have genuine relationships
with each child. We know that when our kids are in their care they are playing, learning life skills and most importantly, are loved. ... It's also clean. - Parent of 3 yr old & 6 yr old
"...like a second home for my kids. The staff members are like family to us. I feel at ease dropping my kids off there and knowing they are in great hands.'" Parent of 4yr. old & 6 yr old
"....a phenomenal early learning center! It provides an incredible environment in which children are well cared for, supported and encouraged to grow.....The teachers are compassionate, collaborative and inspired, truly committed to their roles in shaping magical childhoods. ....I feel blessed to have found such a great place for our daughter to spend her days while we are at work, instead of "just a daycare!" Parent of 2yr. old
"I'm very glad I chose Barnsley when deciding on a school for my son. Since he has started, he has learned so much both educationally and socially. His teachers are friendly and they really care about the kids. We are excited for another year at Barnsley." Parent of 4yr. old
" From the minute I toured Barnsley, I knew my son had to go there. The friendly staff and classroom environment made both of us immediately feel at home. The teachers helped my son get acclimated to Barnsley and made the transition smooth for both of us. ....Barnsley gives me peace of mind knowing that he's well cared for while I'm at work. -Parent of 3 yr. old
" Barnsley Academy is truly an exceptional early learning center that has revolutionized the concept of "daycare" for my family..." -Parent of 4 yr. old
" One of my favorite things about Barnsley Academy is that we felt like family the minute we walked through the door....Each and every teacher brings something special out in him and I am thankful to know that these amazing, capable people are helping to shape his childhood."
Parent of 3 yr old